BizINVIN is an important strategic partner of Monvest. The management team of BizINVIN works hand-in-hand with Modern Capital in the development of the Mongolia lottery business and marketplace.
Incorporated in Mongolia in 2009, BizINVIN has focused on developing the lottery business. BizINVIN has conducted extensive feasibility studies and market surveys with the assistance of lottery business consultants from Malaysia and Australia. Presently, BizINVIN plans to launchthe 6D Jackpot and 6/42 Lotto products by 2012 with Modern Capital. This will be the first such Jackpot lottery for Mongolia.
The BizINVIN lottery license covers both passive and active games. BizINVIN executives have extensive knowledge in operating lottery businesses and systems. The management team has conducted lotteries successfully in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia, and will use the operations in these countries as a model for the Mongolia business.
The marketing of the lottery is the responsibility of BizINVIN. As such, BizINVIN will arrange events, promote Jackpot prizes through advertising campaigns, buy billboards and associated advertising as well as conduct educational programs. The education programs are of particular importance to educate Mongolia how to play the games. To familiarize the public with the processes of playing a new game, BizINVIN shall engage experts in the marketing of gaming products. Various modes of communication will be used such as print media (newspaper and magazines), TV, radio and Internet to publicize lottery games.